Monday, November 14, 2005


this is what i heard in my nine o' clock class today... Charles Dickens blah blah blah blah blah and then my wife and daughter came by my house blah blah blah and did you see how Green Bay played blah blah blah so Dickens uses A Tale of Two Cities to showcase how the French Revolution blah blah blah. and i'm not exaggerating about these things. so let me ask you something, why am i wasting the government's money by sitting in this class everyday. i really demand a new teacher! and i'm not just bitchin about the situation, but i do live 30 minutes away from campus and tuition is around $1500 right now and the last time i checked, sam's club was only paying me like $8, so why am i busting my ass getting to fort valley state university everyday when this teacher in the english department is constantly wasting my time?

that's what's wrong with schools today. everybody wants to be a teacher just so they can seem important to their fellow colleagues, or the people that they graduated with. and the thing is, most people who hang around with me will tell you that i do my work according to my own schedule. i may appear to be a shall we call it "slacker" to some people, but i get all of my work done, whenever time permits. honestly, i am a hard-working student and i try to learn something new everyday, but i can't waste my time sitting in a class listening to the teacher bitch and moan about how his wife left him and how his daughter is black (as if that makes him able to understand the things that black people go through everyday) and how smart he was in undergrad because I'm sure that students don't have to listen to this at Georgia Tech or UGA. Students there would have started a petition to get rid of a sorry ass teacher, so today i proclaim my disappointment and i begin my quest to get rid of this sorry ass teacher! My petition starts here...

1.Greg G.


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