it's been a year
and i still can't go home
because somehow
i couldn't see that
Mother Nature
hated me.
she has to,
because there's no way
someone who loves you
can throw down
such terrential rains
and cause me so
much pain-
take my family,
my mother
and grandmother
and brother
and sister
away from me.
some of them
are in that big
place full of stone
and granite
that worldly people call
the cemetery,
and some of my friends
and literally
floated on
to another land.
and they say i'm crazy
but i can't understand
in this country tis of this
sweet land of liberty
it would take a motherfucker
two days to
come to my rescue.
and i may seem mad
to you
but that's because i am,
and i know those
white collar shirt and tie wearing
people don't give a damn
about me
or my two story house
that's been in my family
for hundreds of years
and i shed so many tears
but it seems like your government officials
have no ears
to hear my cry;
and they're gonna make me
out of a lie
because i said we'd rebuild again
but here it is
a year later
and it hasn't gotten any greater
and my neighborhood
still sits in ruins
like a war or an
atomic bomb erupted-
like an atomic bomb erupted
and took away everything
i had worked for.
what more
can i do
because i still don't think
you see the bigger picture.
and your president
thinks i'm nothing but a nigger
so he could give a damn
about this man
as long as the WHITE house stands
but they're sending troops
to iraq and iran
i just don't understand.
but as i sit here in solitude
i can only pray
that one day
it'll get better.
it has to-
and i'm caught
in a dream.
dreaming of new orleans.
and i still can't go home
because somehow
i couldn't see that
Mother Nature
hated me.
she has to,
because there's no way
someone who loves you
can throw down
such terrential rains
and cause me so
much pain-
take my family,
my mother
and grandmother
and brother
and sister
away from me.
some of them
are in that big
place full of stone
and granite
that worldly people call
the cemetery,
and some of my friends
and literally
floated on
to another land.
and they say i'm crazy
but i can't understand
in this country tis of this
sweet land of liberty
it would take a motherfucker
two days to
come to my rescue.
and i may seem mad
to you
but that's because i am,
and i know those
white collar shirt and tie wearing
people don't give a damn
about me
or my two story house
that's been in my family
for hundreds of years
and i shed so many tears
but it seems like your government officials
have no ears
to hear my cry;
and they're gonna make me
out of a lie
because i said we'd rebuild again
but here it is
a year later
and it hasn't gotten any greater
and my neighborhood
still sits in ruins
like a war or an
atomic bomb erupted-
like an atomic bomb erupted
and took away everything
i had worked for.
what more
can i do
because i still don't think
you see the bigger picture.
and your president
thinks i'm nothing but a nigger
so he could give a damn
about this man
as long as the WHITE house stands
but they're sending troops
to iraq and iran
i just don't understand.
but as i sit here in solitude
i can only pray
that one day
it'll get better.
it has to-
and i'm caught
in a dream.
dreaming of new orleans.